lmao that old guy was flirting with all of the newgrounders lmao
I enjoyed our in-depth conversation about life, the universe, and cock pushups that we had on Sunday.
you were a super cool dude, more to come in my UK ANALYSIS
If you are looking for someone to do art for your games, gimme a mail. Feel free to email me with any questions/comments/r equests etc. kes(at)kesSmith.com. Check out my website for non flash animation. www.kesSmith.com
Age 38, Male
Joined on 2/15/04
lmao that old guy was flirting with all of the newgrounders lmao
I enjoyed our in-depth conversation about life, the universe, and cock pushups that we had on Sunday.
you were a super cool dude, more to come in my UK ANALYSIS
after reading my first comment i realized that i used "lmao" twice in one sentence
the penalty for that is death
also: <a href="http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2123/141/102/1428990448/n1428990448_30342105_8354.jpg">http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-a k-snc1/v2123/141/102/1428990448/n1428 990448_30342105_8354.jpg</a>
lol u stoner u
What a boring analysis. Wheres the info about that old guy you hooked up with?
Come on Kes spill the beans.